Red Roses for Pure Passion!
Red Roses for Pure Passion!
We offer free delivery to customers in Riverside South, Barrhaven, Findlay Creek, Greely, Manotick, Kars, North Gower, Metcalfe and Osgoode.
When you just want the passionate love bouquet, Red Roses are it!
This bouquet contains a 6 red roses and a few extras to make it interesting and even more thoughtful...
Poem with Flower Messages:
My love for you is passionate, true, romantic (Red Rose)
It's an everlasting love (Statice, Gomphrena)
It's happiness, cheerfulness, abundance and loveliness (Chrysanthemum)
I am devoted (Lavender) to you
Together, we are strong and free (Snapdragon)
All of our posies come with a vase, ribbon, card with the poem and your special message. Flowers may vary depending on availability, but the 6 red roses are guaranteed.
We deliver the very best to you!
Debbie, the owner of Posies and Poems, has more than 35 years experience growing and using herbs and flowers. A trained horticulturalist, herbalist and floral designer, Debbie created Posies and Poems to offer a uniquely designed bouquet (posy) accompanied by a poignant message (poem), based on the language of flowers.